Majority of Square Miles vs. of People



The map clearly shows that the majority of Square Miles in the US supported Trump in 2016 (and might still today). However, it does not say anything about the majority of Americans. Some square miles have a lot more people than others.

Edit: Here’s an example of how to do a voting map right. As 3D, it can show population.

Bad Statistics and False: “Crime” map


If the maps had been true, it would still not mean much. The Democrats are mostly urban, and the Republicans mostly rural. Crime is a lot more prevalent where people actually live, and probably a lot more likely to get reported where there are enough people to make it difficult to hide. There is no shortage of things that appear correlated on the map because they correlate with population.

However, in this case the maps look nearly identical because they deal with nearly the same data. Both are electoral maps, with the bottom just retitled.


Strawman: What is the actual offensive part


The word “pussy” is indeed no more obscene than “cunt”. However, that is a strawman.

According to the BBC, Donald Trump said: “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”. The offensive speech isn’t acknowledging that women have vaginas, or using a colloquial term for them. The offensive speech is that one may grab them, presumably without verifying consent first.

Bad Comparison: Absolute vs. Relative


It looks like Bernie Sanders is contradicting himself here, but that is not really the case.

In the top picture, he is talking about absolute merit. He is saying Hillary Clinton is bad compared to some kind of absolute standard.

In the bottom picture, he is talking about relative merit. One doesn’t need to think Hillary Clinton is going to make a good president to support her. One merely needs to think that we’d get a major party candidate, and that she is better than Trump. That is a much lower standard.

Bad Comparison: Dissimilar Events

This is not a valid argument, because the two events were very different.

In Garland, TX it was an event guaranteed to upset Muslims. The event organizers, very prudently, hired guards to keep the events safe. An attack was expected, guards were there, and it was resolved successfully.

In San Bernardino, CA the attack was unexpected. While having CHL holders might have helped matters, we cannot be sure. People are much easier to attack when they think they are safe. Therefore, this comparison is invalid. A better comparison would be to an unexpected act of violence, such as this one.

Strawman: The Inconsistent Immigrant

Screenshot 2019-04-05 at 5.40.06 PM

There are several issues here.

  1. I don’t know of anybody who claims that all immigrants (or even just all illegal immigrants) are the same. There is no logical contradiction between believing that Jose, who is a much harder worker than I am, will “steal” my job and believing that Ramon will be too lazy to work and end up supported by the government one way or another.
  2. The meme says “immigrant”. This is another strawman, because the public policy argument is only about immigrants who are violating immigration law.

h/t Robert Boyer and David Burkhead

Out of Context Quote: Bernie Sanders didn’t support rape in 1972

Yes, he wrote that. However, in context he is talking about a pathology. He is no more supportive of rape than a doctor is supportive of AIDS. Here is what he writes a few paragraphs later:

Many women seem to be walking a tightrope now. Their qualities of love, openness, and gentleness were too deeply enmeshed with qualities of dependency, subservience, and masochism.

I’d like to thank Dawn Geisler for bringing this meme and article combo to my attention.

Wholly Misleading Half Truth: Worker’s Share of Corporate Revenue

Technically speaking, this is true. However, it conjures up a picture of the line employees getting the same share of revenue, which is not in the data. Worker pay includes everybody from the CEO to the mailroom clerk, when the CEO gets a salary and stock options. It excludes dividends, but for tax reasons dividends are tax inefficient.

Those who don’t compensate their employees enough end up having trouble attracting good workers and often lose their best employees to competitors.

This part of the explanation is true. However, but the fact is that the mix of employee value changes with time. It used to be that you needed Joe the production worker, who was a hard and conscientious worker even if he wasn’t too bright. Now Joe’s grandson works in Taco Bell because those production jobs are automated. On the other hand, while Tracy Technician wasn’t that much more important than her husband Joe, the other grandson, Trevor Technician, basically runs the whole factory by himself and is much more productive, with payment to match.